A while ago, the Australian registry announced that they would allow direct registrations under the .au domain. Before, only third level registrations were possible (.com.au, .net.au, .org.au) but the .au domain was added to the list.
With the release of the .au domain, Australia is following the lead of the UK and New Zealand, among others, who, after years of emphasizing third level domains (.co.uk and .co.nz respectively), also released . uk and .nz.
Until September 20th, anyone who has registered a third level Australian domain name has priority to register this name under the .au extension. This priority will expire after September 20th.
From October 3rd, anyone who meets to conditions can register a .au domain name regardless of whether a third level Australian domain name has already been registered by another party.
The conditions to register a .au domain name are the following:
– OR you are an Australian company and there must be a link between the domain name and the domain name owner
– OR you have a registered trademark valid in Australia and the domain name you wish to register exactly matches your registered trademark in Australia
If you do not meet these conditions, please contact bNamed. We can undoubtedly still help you out.