Registering a .frl domain name has been possible for a long time, but only if the name consisted of at least 3 characters. This will soon change. From October 1st, you will also be able to register a .frl domain name consisting of 2 characters. These 2 characters may be a combination of 2 letters, 2 numbers or a number and a letter.
The release of these 2 character names under the .frl extension will take place in 2 phases:
1) The priority phase: October 1st, 2022 to October 31st, 2022
During this priority phase, national and local governments, national country code managers and holders of a registered trademark, company or trade name will be given priority to register the exact same 2 character domain name as the respective name or country code of which they are the holder or administrator.
The first come, first served principle applies here and a one-time administrative fee will be charged upon successful registration.
2) General availability: from November 14th, 2022
From November 14th onwards, anyone who wishes to do so can register a name under the .frl domain.
Keep in mind that from then on these names will be considered premium names by registry by default. This means that a higher price will be charged for both registration and renewal.