Get your domain name

New domain

Tuesday November 18th the sunrise period for begins. bNamed offers you the possibility to pre-register your name under this extension. Down below, you’ll find more information about the sunrise and the landrush.

1) November 18th – January 15th: Grandfather period

During this period, the owners of a registered .nl name exclusively have the right to register their .nl name under the domain.

2) February 10th – February 26th: registered trademarks

Holders of a registered trademark can register their trademark under the domain during this second sunrise period.

3) March 17th – March 31st: landrush

During the landrush everyone who’s interested can register one or more names

4) April 15th: Go live

From now on, anyone can register any still available name. If two or more people want to register the same name, the first come first served decide who gets the name

Also important: this extension isn’t divided by SIDN (.nl registry) but by the owner of This extension might be interesting for companies whose website is visited by people of countries where .co always appears in the domain name such as the UK (, New-Zealand (, Croatia (,… These people are used to country extensions with .co and if they search a foreign company website they often search for .co even if the extension doesn’t contain .co

November 2008